How to rebuild Trust after Infidelity

How to rebuild Trust after Infidelity

Are you struggling to save your marriage or relationship in the aftermath of cheating and infidelity? Are you struggling with the triggers and flashbacks that come with every time your cheating partner leaves the house or picks up their phone to chat? Do find yourself constantly wanting to check their whereabouts doubting what they tell. Do you struggle with feeling secure and safe in the relationship the moment they are out of your sight? Do you long to feel better, forgive and move on?

If so, you are not alone. This is a common consequence of dealing with betrayal, infidelity and cheating in the relationship. It is hugely painful and very isolating. The person you loved and trusted with your life, created a family with is now the person who makes you feel most unsafe in the world.

Do you want to rebuild your relationship but don’t know where to go or how to start? Have you been trying all sorts of tactics like calling them, having access to their phone, emails and calendar? But even with all this access you don’t feel any better? It is frustrating because you want to move but cannot seem to be able to do so.

Therapy is a process to help people deal with the complex issues underlying infidelity. Infidelity can have many sources and complexities. It usually started years before the betrayal began. To have hope and move on, our expert in infidelity and difficult cases, Ms. Tammy Fontana, clinical sex therapist and marriage therapist can help you heal your marriage. She has over 30,000 hours in working with couples on difficult cases.

Recovering from an affair or betrayal is definitely possible. You can create a new relationship. I help people through the complex issues and concepts of trust, love and finding a new way to build a relationship in the ashes of the betrayal.

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All in the Family Counselling Centre Pte Ltd has been providing therapy for over 2 decades in SE Asia. We specialize in difficult cases. Contact us to learn how we can help you.

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